The Disaster Data Service

The Disaster Data Service

It will deliver data about disasters as and when they occur, to people throughout the continent of Africa. The application of this service is firstly as an early warning system to prepare potentially affected communities and an efficient data delivery system during...

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Why Space Data Is The New Big Data

Why Space Data Is The New Big Data

Why Space Data Is The New Big Data Space Data is about to get big. Thanks to the growing sophistication and falling cost of satellites, more businesses than ever are looking to the “final frontier” for insights which can be put to use here on Earth. That’s...

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Data Space Uses

Data Space Uses

Data Space Uses   Space infrastructure has the space element, which includes the satellites orbiting Earth and the ground elements such as ground receiving stations and data facilities. We use this infrastructure to provide us with data from space that has a...

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What is the Africa 2 Moon Mission about?

What is the Africa 2 Moon Mission about?

By combining cutting-edge science with educational outreach and capacity building, Africa2Moon seeks to inspire the next generation of African scientists, foster international collaboration, and demonstrate Africa’s potential in advanced engineering and scientific...

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“The allure of the unknown to me has always felt far more powerful than the comfort of the known”

Dr Adriana Marais on off-world exploration and the value for Earth

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” – Nelson Mandela

Reaching for the Moon

for all of Africa